Key purchase drivers

Key purchase drivers

Organizations must focus on digital enablement of their customer and be clear on where they need to win the customer’s trust. Each of the trends identified in our study accelerated with the beginning of COVID-19. This study confirms that they are persistent both over time and geography, and that their combined impact on consumers’ behaviors has stark implications for organizations. Companies can no longer protect their price positioning with experiential factors (e.g. in-store coffee shops) that now have less direct benefit to the consumer.

Tax Flash Alert

Key Amendments

On 15 November 2023 the Minister of Finance, Hon Ken Ofori-Atta presented the 2024 Budget Statement and Economic Policy under the theme "Pursuing Growth & Development within a Stable Macroeconomic Environment." Corresponding bills were proposed to the Parliament of Ghana, with some tax initiatives receiving gazette notification on 29 December 2023, marking the commencement of the implementation process. This flash alert seeks to provide a summary of the passed enactments.