The Challenge
Decisions are at the core of every business. Companies need to identify and respond to trends and risks at an early stage. The transformation towards a green and digital economy coupled with technological progress and geopolitical tensions is forcing many companies not only to adjust their business model, but to fundamentally restructure it.
But how can companies assess alternative strategies in the transformation process? What do possible investment paths look like? This decision-making process is complex: the dynamics of the economic environment are enormous and, at the same time, the expectations of stakeholders - from customers and investors as well as regulators and civil society - are increasing.
Our solution
Mit dem ESG Decision Assessment bietet KPMG einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz, mit dem Unternehmen die vorliegenden Handlungsoptionen validieren, bewerten und priorisieren und somit ihren EntscheidWith the ESG Decision Assessment, KPMG offers a holistic approach with which companies can validate, evaluate and prioritise the available options for action and thus align their decision-making process with their sustainability strategy as part of their corporate strategy. Value-based goals expressed in the sustainability strategy can thus be translated into transparent calculations for investment or transaction decisions. This enables sustainable decision-making and management as well as ESG-compliant reporting.
ESG risks must already be taken into account in the selection process of strategic alternatives for action. We support you in translating the alternative courses of action into either financial key figures or quantitative and qualitative guard rails that are equally taken into account in the decision-making calculus. Our consulting approach enables you to systematically assess alternative investment decisions and to compare very different investment decisions, e.g. investments in CO2-reducing technologies or in resilient supply chains.
By systematically analysing and quantifying ESG risks and opportunities, the value impact associated with the decision can be consistently calculated and the best course of action with the optimal ESG performance/risk ratio can be determined, leading to a sustainable increase in company value.
- Mapping the options for action: In the first step, we work with you to define possible courses of action, aligned with your business model and its key ESG factors.
- Definition of the ESG decision model: In the second step, the options for action are transferred into a flexible planning model, taking into account the central ESG factors.
- ESG Simulation: In the third step, the important ESG value drivers are identified and simulated.
- ESG Decision Assessment: In the fourth step, the options for action are assessed in the performance-risk matrix and recommendations for action are derived.
Further Information
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Olaf Thein
Partner, Deal Advisory, Valuation
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
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