Radek Halíček

Managing partner of KPMG Česká republika

A year like no other

GRI 102-14

Apart from the obvious negatives, the global pandemic also brought interesting challenges and opportunities. We moved our work activities to an online environment and discovered the pros and cons of working remotely. Working from home suited many of us in some ways, and we will certainly want to retain its positive aspects for the future. We are currently working on a model that will combine the benefits of one-on-one and team contact with its virtual counterparts. Staying healthy and having a pleasant working environment continue to be a priority for us.

We continued to work towards our sustainability strategy and achieved several encouraging results. We were able to reduce our carbon footprint year-on-year for the second year in a row, while also helping our clients to operate more sustainably.

I am confident that we are on the right track and that our investments in people and technology have made us more resilient. We are creating an environment where our people can grow and develop their potential. And it is to all my colleagues that I would like most to say thank you – the following lines are aimed especially at you:

2020 was a tremendously challenging year, so different from any we have experienced so far. Together, we managed to continue doing what we do best – providing support to our clients. Even though we worked remotely, the quality and professionalism of our efforts remained unchanged. You performed brilliantly despite the health risks and the demands of having to care for children and loved ones, all the more making me appreciate your dedication, resilience, and endurance. Next year will not be easy either, but I believe that together we will overcome everything and emerge stronger and richer with new experiences and skills.