GRI 102-9

We place exceptional emphasis on the quality and reliability of the services we provide to our clients. The same criteria are transferred to our suppliers. We buy responsibly and incorporate elements of responsibility and sustainability into our daily operations. We demand a responsible approach from our suppliers and involve non-profit organisations and social enterprises in our supply chain. We work with circular economy principles and show employees how they can contribute to sustainability in their own homes.

We are a demanding and socially responsible customer

We follow a defined tender process when dealing with significant and strategic suppliers. Our main selection criteria are the quality of the goods and services, the supplier’s reliability, stability, reputation, and stance on social responsibility, as well as the price and terms of delivery. As we are a provider of audit services, a significant criterion when choosing a supplier is their independence.

We have introduced a Suppliers’ Code of Ethics for KPMG in the Czech Republic, which we integrate into all our supplier contracts.  This code of ethics binds our suppliers to the adherence to all legal regulations, human rights and ethics, as well as to the protection of the environment.

More than 80 percent of our purchases come from local suppliers and entrepreneurs. We regularly purchase goods from firms where more than 50 percent of the staff are disabled persons.

We reduce our carbon footprint

GRI 301-1 l 302-1 l 305-1 l  305-2 l  305-3 l  305-5

We are nonetheless well aware of the impact our activities have on the environment.  We therefore monitor our carbon footprint on a regular basis and aim to continuously lower the negative impact of our activities on the environment.  Since 2010, we have been a member of KPMG’s Global Initiative which monitors all environmental impacts and activities that serve to lower the carbon footprint. Since 2016, we have managed to reduce total emissions by more than 40 percent.

We measure our carbon footprint every year, from January to December, using a methodology developed by KPMG International and emanating from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Defra Reporting. In the future, we would like to monitor our supply chain in more detail within Scope 3. 


Business travel and the consumption of paper and energy have been our main areas of focus due to the nature of our business undertaking.  

Achievement of milestones (year-on-year):

Circular office

Throughout the year, we show employees the possibilities of a circular economy in the office, as well as in the home. In this way, we try to motivate them to go beyond just reducing excess waste.

  • We save up to 2,200 disposable packaging items per month by making reusable plastic containers available in our container bank.
  • We SWAP! We swap clothes, books, unsuitable gifts, and plants with each other.
  • We use cups and glasses instead of disposable cups.
  • We don't throw away coffee grounds. Instead, employees use them to fertilise their gardens at home.


Green company

For some time, we have been involved in REMA system’s Green Company project, which aims to collect old company electrical equipment and batteries. Employees are also getting involved, and thanks to the project we have disposed of 54 kg of small electrical waste in an environmentally friendly way.

To increase the level of environmental protection and to monitor and mitigate potential risks of contamination, we introduced an integrated environmental management system in line with standard ISO 14001 at our firm. 


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