Enabling the future of procurement

An augmented set of skills is needed for the future of procurement. Commercial acumen will always be a staple, but being empathetic, technology conversant, and analytically fluent will become minimum requirements.

Like most other business functions, procurement faces future workforce challenges including:

  • a millennial workforce replacing the institutional knowledge of retirees and desiring a different “employee experience”
  • digital transformation eliminating the work of the transactional and tactical procurement workforce
  • contingent labour required to support highly skilled analytical positions
  • training programs to accommodate future skills and different learning environments
  • relationship management - both internal and external
  • analytical modelling capability and the need for the “resident data scientist”
  • cross-functional expertise, improved business acumen, and negotiation readiness
  • "life-long learners” who are digital and technology conversant.

"Next generation procurement skills and capabilities must be developed amidst dramatic changes in demographics and working styles." – John Troxel, Director, Procurement and Business Services, KPMG in the US

The CPO agenda for the future of procurement

It’s no longer business as usual for procurement. The scale and speed of transformation required to address the mix of disruptors impacting procurement is unprecedented. The key to success is to proactively develop a blueprint for how your procurement organisation can turn these disruptors into opportunity for competitive advantage and growth. Learn more about the future of procurement.

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