Enabling the future of procurement

Supplier centricity focuses on integrated relationships. Today’s supplier interactions are largely tactical and lack any real insight or platform integration. That’s why the future of procurement is dependent on creating a new operating model to support supplier centricity; one which drives supplier performance and relationships to a new level while fostering innovation and mitigating risk.

This model is one where suppliers will:

  • have access to key information to help build robust solutions 
  • integrate into your environment though supplier-managed store fronts and master data portals
  • contribute to business, product, and category innovation
  • receive feedback through sentiment, community feedback and traditional performance metrics
  • self-manage purchasing transactions through payment.

"Do your suppliers want to work with you? Being a customer of choice can help you win in the marketplace." – Chris McClory, Director, Procurement and Business Services, KPMG in the US

Learn about delivering innovation through a supplier partnership model in our paper below. 

The CPO agenda for the future of procurement

It’s no longer business as usual for procurement. The scale and speed of transformation required to address the mix of disruptors impacting procurement is unprecedented. The key to success is to proactively develop a blueprint for how your procurement organisation can turn these disruptors into opportunity for competitive advantage and growth. Learn more about the future of procurement.

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