
Putting our Values at the heart of the way we do things

Terry Chu

“Corporate governance is the foundation of our business operations, as well as one of the pillars of Our Impact Plan. While our values always lie at the heart of the way we do things, we continue to maintain high standards of corporate governance, such as strengthening due diligence processes to associate with the right clients and suppliers, and establishing proper processes to investigate any illegal and unethical matters reported. This way, we can do the right thing, in the right way.”

Terry Chu
Partner, Head of Quality and Risk Management
KPMG China

Our commitments

Governance commitments thumbnail image

Our commitments

  • Act lawfully, ethically and in the public interest
  • Work against corruption in all its forms

Governance structure

Our Impact Plan governance structure

Chaired by our Chairman, our Executive Committee oversees the strategic direction and development of Our Impact Plan at KPMG China. Led by the Head of Corporate Affairs, Tracy Yang, the OIP department comprises representatives from different departments who are responsible for managing ESG issues under the four key pillars – Planet, People, Prosperity and Governance.

Each pillar is led by a pillar lead, who works closely with different departments, working groups and individuals across the firm to drive change and make progress on different ESG aspects, ranging from decarbonisation, IDE and community investment, to anticorruption and more.

Appointment of our Head of ESG

To further strategise and execute our firm’s plan and direction for ESG, a Head of ESG, Wei Lin, was appointed in 2021. This appointment helps drive the strategic development of ESG in the marketplace through our services and interactions with our stakeholders. To ensure a tone at the top and to drive systematic change, the Head of ESG is also part of the board – enabling him to share his expertise in the ESG space and drive discussions with ESG considerations.

Governance structure

Act lawfully, ethically and in the public interest

At KPMG China, we know that trust is earned by doing the right thing – not just some of the time but all of the time. As the world rapidly changes and becomes more complex, this simple principle has never been more important.

We are committed to the highest standards of personal and professional behaviour throughout our firm in everything we do. Ethics and integrity are core to who we are and why everyone at KPMG is held to this promise of excellence. By acting with integrity, we become trustworthy and shape how we are viewed by the world.

The KPMG China Code of Conduct (“the Code”), which is built on the foundation of the KPMG Values, outlines the ethical responsibilities all KPMG people have to each other, our clients and the public. The Code does not simply set the standards for our professionals to meet regulatory obligations – it also shows how our values inspire our greatest aspirations and guide all our behaviours and actions. All staff are required to comply with the Code and confirm compliance with the Code annually.

Work against corruption in all its forms

Our Code of Conduct and extensive anti-bribery and corruption requirements are designed to ensure we uphold the highest standards of professional integrity. We do not accept or offer bribes (directly or indirectly), nor do we participate in corrupt practices. Such behaviours are unethical, unacceptable and are inconsistent with our values and Code of Conduct. We have zero tolerance for bribery and corruption in any form. Furthermore, our China Quality & Risk Management Manual establishes clear requirements and procedures for KPMG employees regarding the offer or acceptance of inducements (including gifts or entertainment), with the goal of preventing corruption and bribery.

The We Do What is Right: Integrity at KPMG training is an annual training course that is mandatory for all KPMG partners and staff. The course informs our partners and staff about our firm’s policies on anti-bribery, and highlights the importance of compliance with applicable laws, regulations and professional standards.


of partners and staff are required to complete anti-corruption training


of board and Executive Committee members completed anti-corruption training

Our Impact Plan report cover


KPMG: Our Impact Plan | China FY2021

Contact us

Tracy Yang

Head of Corporate Affairs
Senior Partner, Eastern and Western Region

KPMG China

Wilson Pang

Head of Our Impact Plan

KPMG China

Daisy Shen

Head of Environmental, Social and Governance

KPMG China

For enquiries: