Welcome to our My Tax Compass page dedicated to the latest updates and insights in the ever-evolving world of tax news. As tax regulations and laws continue to undergo frequent changes, staying informed is crucial. Keeping track of these updates across multiple sources can be time-consuming and challenging, so we've created this centralized hub, allowing you to access all the latest news and developments in one easy-to-navigate location. Our team of tax professionals carefully curates the content to ensure that you receive the most relevant and significant information, saving you valuable time and effort. Here, you will find the most up-to-date information on a wide range of topics, including corporate tax, transfer pricing, CBAM, indirect tax, R&D incentives, BEPS, accountancy, flexible rewards and much more.
In addition to providing the latest news, we also offer key takeaways from past tax-related events, allowing you to stay informed on important discussions, trends, and insights shared by industry leaders. We've also included useful links to global tax resources, giving you access to a wealth of additional information to deepen your understanding of tax regulations and practices worldwide.
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- Belgian draft QDMTT-return
- Flemish Government Agreement on Tax Measures
- Investment deduction
- Updated Belgian transfer pricing forms: Substantially more to be shared as from 2025
- CJEU upholds DAC6 reporting obligations
- Notification deadline for Pillar 2/GloBE registration extended in Belgium
- GloBE registration deadline
- GloBE registration requirements in Belgium
- Belgian Law on minimum taxation amended
- Notification deadline for Pillar 2/GloBE registration extended in Belgium
- Reform of the Belgian investment deduction regime
- EU Public CbC Reporting Rules
- Framework Agreement on Telework: 6 months later
- Access to Intervat using "Isabel" and "GlobalSign" commercial certificates to end from 31.01.24
- Joint liability for electronic interfaces who are not considered as deemed suppliers
- Reward update
- Night – and shift labor incentive
- B2B e-invoicing mandatory as of 1 January 2026
- Federal government wants to sharpen anti-abuse rules
- Belgian law adopted on the Pillar 2 minimum taxation
- Belgium changes course on CFC rules
- New articles of association under the Christmas tree this year?
- New Tightening Measures in the Cayman Tax
- Tax measures in Budget 2024
- Belgian FAQ on DAC7 for digital platform operators
- Belgian Council of Ministers approves draft Public CbCR law at second reading
- The mobility budget
- Update Joint Committee 209 & 111
- Newly published VAT circular letter on cross-border provision of company cars to employees
- Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
- Changes to tax regime for inbound taxpayers/researchers
- Mixed VAT taxpayers in 2024
- The APA landscape in Belgium
- Withholding tax return for 2022 – Deadline extension
- European Court of Justice releases judgment in “Cabot Plastics Belgium” case
- Draft bill modernising the “VAT chain” passed by Belgian Chamber
- BEPS 2.0 is here
- Summary and analysis of the “Fit for 55” package
- R&D withholding tax exemption
- Breaking news: European Parliament approves pay transparency directive
- Customs risks and how to deal with them. Setting up a compliant customs position
- Country-by-Country Reporting: Back in the Spotlight
- Minister of Finance released proposal for first phase of tax reform
- Belgian Windfall Tax on Electricity Producers
- Implications of rising interest rates on intercompany financing
- The path to tax transparency in the Benelux
2022 Q1
- Adopted amendments to the Belgian VAT Act
- Administrative burden of statements 281.50 to be reduced
- Update on the transposition of the whistleblowing directive
- New reporting requirements for costs proper to the employer as from 1 January 2022
- Exemption of wage WHT for researchers
- Temporary reduction of the VAT rate for electricity
- Tolerance for donations to Ukraine
- Temporary tolerance for VAT-deductibility of mixed-use cars: combination of methods 2 and 3
- VAT rate reductions in light of the energy prices and Covid-19 pandemic
- Royal Decrees for reduced VAT rate for electricity, gas, solar panels and heaters, and mouth masks
- Belgian tax authorities launch annual round of Transfer Pricing audits
2022 Q2
- No VAT fixed establishment in the Berlin Chemie case
- Update on VAT refund procedures and the temporary measure for demolition and reconstruction
- Extension of VAT filing deadline
- New tax audits regarding exemptions of payment of wage withholding tax
- Extension of VAT deadlines for summer 2022
- VAT guidance concerning the provision of furnished accommodation
- Prolongation of VAT temporary measures
2022 Q3
2022 Q4
- The Belgian special tax regimes for inbound taxpayers and inbound researchers
- The federal government has reached an agreement on the budget for 2023 and 2024
- Belgian annual tax on securities accounts
- Annual tax on credit institutions
- Extended VAT statute of limitations
- Important changes to the reverse charge mechanism for immovable property works
- New law lengthens investigation and assessment periods as from assessment year 2023
- Mixed taxable persons
- Reform of periodic VAT returns
- DAC6 LPP-notification requirement to non-client intermediary invalid
- VAT in the Digital Age
- Rebuilding equity: the reconstruction reserve
- Further changes to the tax regime for inbound taxpayers and inbound researchers
- DAC7: New obligations of Digital Platform Operators
- Stricter limitation of corporate tax deductions in assessment year 2024
- New legislation Copyright regime: Be prepared?!
2021 Q1
2021 Q2
- Proposed extensions to Covid-19 VAT measures
- VAT Royal Decree for E-Commerce
- Belgian tax authorities provide detailed guidance
- Federal government corrects rules regarding the deduction of foreign losses
- Extension of VAT Deadlines for summer 2021
- G7 communique on coordinated reforms of the international tax system
- Draft Royal Decree and VAT registration via fiscal representative
- Tax reduction for waiver of rent
- Federal government agrees on greening of company cars
- Proposed changes to the Belgian VAT Act
- Temporary reduction of the VAT rate for restaurant and catering services
- New MDR-DAC6 XML scheme published
- Extension of VAT filing deadline for March/Q1 2021
- Covid-19 VAT relief measures adopted
2021 Q3
- CJEU decision on the Belgian excess profit ruling system
- New VAT Circular for E-commerce
- Extended Covid-19 VAT measures
- Amendments to the VAT exemption for medical and hospital care
- G20 Finance Ministers endorse key components of the two pillars
- OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework Agreement on BEPS 2.0
- Amendments to the Belgian VAT Act are adopted
2021 Q4
- European Commission proposes Directive to implement Pillar Two in the EU
- New VAT Circular concerning charging facilities and charging of electric vehicles
- Covid-19 – employment related measures for businesses
- COVID-19 arrangements for cross border workers further extended to 30/06/2022
- Rebuilding equity: the reconstruction reserve
- VAT exemption for medical and hospital care
- BEPS 2.0 — Changing the international tax landscape
- New law on the expatriate tax regime
- Important evolutions in Belgian business law
- Scope extension Belgian Central Point of Contact soon effective
- Latest regulatory developments in ESG
- Electrification of company cars
- New law wants to make mobility budget more attractive
- Update on proposed amendments to the Belgian VAT Act
- New double tax treaty between Belgium and France
- Proposed amendments to the Belgian VAT Act
- Belgian tax authorities published long awaited FAQ
- Euro Tax Flash - OECD Inclusive Framework Agreement
2020 Q1
- European Commission adopts Temporary Framework for State aid measures
- Circular letter on transfer pricing released
- Belgian stock exchange tax on transactions abroad compatible with EU freedoms
- OECD releases outline of architecture for the unified approach
- Look back 2019 and Tax Calendar 2020 – Financial Services Industry
- EU Mandatory Disclosure Requirements – state of play
- Earnings stripping rules
2020 Q2
- Belgian Guidelines for DAC6 published
- Parliament approves loss carry-back
- Belgian Stock Exchange Tax compatible with European freedoms
- Draft law to help companies to face COVID19 outbreak introduced in parliament
- Administrative deferral for DAC6 reporting and Royal Decree
- EC proposes to postpone filing deadlines
- European Commission extends Temporary Framework for State aid measures
- Government increases bonification of corporate tax prepayments made during Q3 and Q4
2020 Q3
2020 Q4
- Belgium: Temporary VAT support measures due to COVID-19
- Federal government specifies tax repercussions of EU-list
- Year-end actions relating to R&D incentives
- Bill proposal to stimulate waiver of commercial leases in response to the COVID-19 crisis
- Belgian DAC6/MDR Submission Process
- Extension of the reduced VAT rate for demolition and reconstruction
- Specific anti-abuse measure for new tax on securities accounts
- Due date tax returns – New extension until 16 November 2020
- The reconstruction reserve
- Government De Croo has taken office
- Will financial services be subject to VAT in Belgium by 2025?
- The new equity reconstruction reserve
2019 Q1
- Benefits in kind: uniform calculation for houses and reduced benefit for company cars
- Euro Tax Flash Issue 392 - AG Opinions on cross-border loss relief
- New tax treaty with Japan will apply as from 1 January 2020
- VAT deduction for a branch
- Benefits in kind (2019)
- New reporting and withholding tax obligation
- Belgian annual tax on collective investment vehicles
- General Court annuls Commission’s decision on Belgian excess profit ruling system
- CJEU decision on the Beneficial Owner concept under the Interest and Royalties Directive and the Parent-Subsidiary Directive
- The Council adds ten jurisdictions to its list of non-cooperative jurisdictions
- ECOFIN fails to reach agreement on digital advertising tax compromise text
- Attention points for prepayments in 2019
- Tax legislation follows in the tracks of new mobility trends
2019 Q2
2019 Q3
- Belgium has ratified the Multilateral Instrument
- AG Opinion regarding Netherlands' withholding tax on dividends paid to foreign investment funds
- Circular letter discusses grandfathering rule in earning stripping regime
- No incremental notional interest deduction for assessment year 2021?
- European Commission investigation into individual Belgian “excess profit” tax rulings
- General Court examines the compatibility of rulings
- Advance Pricing Arrangement Series—Europe
- Prefiling requests regarding transfer pricing or innovation income deduction
2019 Q4
- Belgian Constitutional Court annuls annual tax on securities accounts
- OECD consultation on a “unified approach” to taxing the digital economy
- Digital Economy Tax Tracker
- Changes to the legal framework for specialized real estate investment funds
- EU Mandatory Disclosure Requirements – Update
- VAT quick fixes 2020 part 1
- CJEU decision in the College Pension Plan of British Columbia case
- Attention points for prepayments in assessment year 2020
- Flexible mobility: update
- Earnings stripping rules: precision of the legal framework expected before year-end
- VAT quick fixes 2020 part 2
- Social security : update
- Unfair trade practices in a B2B environment
- VAT quick fixes 2020 part 3
- Car taxation and compliance: an uphill ride
- German Finance Minister issues amended Financial Transaction Tax proposal
- Earnings stripping rules
- Immigration: looking back and forward
- New tax rules on the Digital Economy will also impact the Brick-and-Mortar Economy
- VAT quick fixes 2020 part 4