The Belgian Tax Authorities launched public consultation about the Belgian draft (Q)DMTT-return, see NL / FR. The consultation deadline is 8 November 2024.

Under the Belgian Law on minimum taxation, the deadline for filing the (Q)DMTT-return is the last day of the 11th month following the closure of the fiscal year. This means that, where the fiscal year coincides with the calendar year, the first filing deadline is 30 November 2025 for the (Q)DMTT-return. This implies that businesses have a relatively short timeframe to gather the required data and complete the first (Q)DMTT-return for submission in Belgium. In this regard, the public consultation is welcome and will hopefully help the administration to release the (Q)DMTT-return template and related XSD-schema very soon.

As a reminder, the Belgian Law on minimum taxation also introduced a prepayment system for the (Q)DMTT and the IIR Top-up Tax. For more information, see Prepayment system for P2 minimum taxation operational. While the calculation of the Belgian (Q)DMTT is generally aligned with that of the jurisdictional Top-up Taxes (i.e., IIR and UTPR), there are certain differences in the calculation of the ETR as well as in the attribution of the payment and filing obligations. For this reason and considering also the relatively close deadline for the filing of the first (Q)DMTT-return in Belgium, it is important that businesses take timely actions to gather the relevant data and make the necessary compliance arrangements.

How can KPMG help you?

KPMG can assist you with all compliance aspects of the Pillar 2 minimum taxation in Belgium, including registration, calculation of tax liabilities and filing of returns. Additionally, we can also help you to identify the relevant data points, gather the required data and perform the calculations for both the (Q)DMTT and jurisdictional Top-up tax liabilities. If you have questions or need any assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to your trusted KPMG advisor or contact us.