Climate change is one of the greatest risks of our lifetime, deserving both our utmost attention and urgent action. It is critical that we recognize the responsibility that we play in meeting the challenges that impact the future of our planet and threaten our quality of life, now and for future generations. We are committed to supporting the responsible transformation of organizations, including our own.



At KPMG, decarbonization is a core priority that underpins our broader Impact Plan. In line with our purpose-based approach, we also firmly believe that we should lead by example, taking actions that are rooted in evidence, with realistic, measurable timelines for achieving our goals.

We’re committed to actions that contribute to achieving the global 1.5°C science-based target as expressed in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 12). In practical terms, this means improving our impact on climate change through more sustainable consumption and allocation of resources, as well as conscious emissions-reducing initiatives.



Waste and circularity

Taking a circular approach to resource consumption is one of the most efficient ways to reduce waste and improve resource efficiency. At KPMG, we do this by looking for alternatives that can turn small changes into a big cumulative impact.

waste and circularity


Water management

Belgium is facing a growing challenge of water scarcity, a concern that is increasingly evident across the country. While water may not be a material topic for KPMG, we recognize its significance and strive to address it by enhancing the efficiency of our water usage across our various offices in Belgium. Through initiatives aimed at optimizing water consumption, such as implementing water-saving technologies and promoting responsible water usage practices among our people, we aim to minimize our environmental footprint and contribute to water conservation efforts in the region.

Beyond our operational capacities, KPMG also contributed to the Flemish government ‘s plan to reduce the effect of drought in extreme water scarcity, together with a consortium of research and academic organizations. At the same time, KPMG is also contributing to proactive water management as we are supporting the Coördinatiecommissie Integraal Waterbeleid (CIW) with the management of the Blue Deal program.