All organizations are built on people, which means that how we establish relationships, trust, communicate, and look out for one another determines our success. That’s why our focus on people is a core priority for us at all times - whether it concerns the people who work at KPMG, the people who work for our clients and suppliers, or the people in our wider communities. We never forget that we’re in a people business, and that means building trust and connectedness continually.

People's well-being, engagement, and satisfaction

We create personal growth by developing a culture of smart innovations, high performance, and inclusive collaboration. Our Employee Value Proposition (EVP) describes what is unique about KPMG as an employer, what our people can expect by working here and how we work together to achieve our common goals. Having a powerful, clearly defined EVP has always been critical for KPMG, particularly in today’s rapidly changing business landscape.

We are also continuously reviewing and adapting the way we work, while providing direction, flexibility, and innovative tools to meet the needs of our clients and people. And we are committed to developing several initiatives to support our people’s physical and mental well-being.

Workforce diversity and equal opportunities

We strive to be an inclusive employer, to ensure equality and embrace diversity in all its dimensions. We are committed to investing in a culture of inclusive leadership and collaboration. KPMG’s senior leadership reconfirmed its commitment to the Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (IDE) agenda as a cornerstone of its culture and to reinforce the KPMG values.

Our IDE agenda covers a broad variety of equally important topics, with a key focus on high impact actions regarding gender, cultural background, and generations.

Workforce training and development

For KPMG, learning and development (L&D) is one of the main pillars of our sustainability strategy. We understand that the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of our people are central to our success and future growth. We offer learning opportunities at all levels, providing the best development experience to attract, develop, and retain our workforce for the future.

From the moment our people joins us, they’ll have a personal development plan tailored to their individual needs and ambitions. We also work with the wider community to offer innovative coaching and mentoring programs and participate in global partnerships that help build skills, knowledge and progress across a lifetime.