Tax Insights

Navigate the future of tax: pressing business issues and opportunities facing tax and business leaders today.


Tax today is attracting attention like never before – among governments and citizens, in boardrooms and the C suite, and across businesses and their supply chains. Tax is at the forefront of negotiation and debate, and it is driving decisions on policy, trade, strategy and business transformation.

At the same time, the world around us has changed dramatically in terms of geopolitical shifts, technological innovation, globalization, new business and consumer demands, and new ways of living, and the emergence of previously unseen types of businesses.

Tax leaders face new challenges as they work to meet rapidly changing compliance obligations, elevate their strategic role, contribute to the ESG agenda, and ensure they can articulate clearly the ways in which their departments can add value inside and outside of the organization. 

Our Insights

Navigating the forces of change in tax

Tax policy, artificial intelligence and talent

The future of indirect taxes to 2030

In 2025 and beyond, what can we expect from indirect taxes?

Fit for Pillar Two series

The Fit for Pillar Two series aims to help tax teams of multinational enterprises within the scope of Pillar Two prepare for the upcoming wave of international tax changes by putting theory into practice.

Global tax reboot

Geopolitics, tax policy and society in flux

Inside global tax functionsopens in a new tab

Summary report: 2023 KPMG Global Tax Function Benchmarking Survey

The use of generative AI tools in the tax profession

After the initial hype – fear, foe or friend?

Public Tax Reporting

Understanding complexity; making disclosure meaningful

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Our People

David Linke

Global Head of Tax & Legal

KPMG International

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