Azerbaijan: Registration portal for VAT on cross-border provision of digital services

Registration is currently optional for taxpayers.

Registration is currently optional for taxpayers.

Azerbaijan on June 1, 2024, launched a registration portal for complying with its value added tax (VAT) regime on cross-border provision of digital services. Read TaxNewsFlash

As Azerbaijan requires local financial institutions to withhold VAT on purchases of digital services made by consumers in Azerbaijan, the registration is currently optional for taxpayers. The tax authorities have also clarified the following points:

  • Scope: The regime applies to “the provision of services, and the performance of work using information systems.” This includes uploading electronic books, music, audio-video materials, graphic images, virtual games, software, placing advertisements, and other similar activities through the internet.
  • Registration threshold: There is no registration threshold.
  • Customer location: The customer location may be determined by IP address, or country code of the customer’s mobile number.
  • B2B vs. B2C: The regime only applies to made to consumers (i.e., B2C sales), and sales made to business customers (i.e., B2B sales) are subject to the VAT self-assessment mechanism.
  • E-invoice: There is no electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) obligation for nonresident providers of digital services. 

KPMG observation

These clarifications are explicitly mentioned in draft amendments to the regime that will be discussed in the fall session of the country’s parliament. The tax authorities are not expected to issue any further general instructions. Instead, they would prefer to engage directly with taxpayers who opt for any “post-registration” instructions. They are exploring ways and methods to encourage voluntary registration by studying the practices of other countries through bilateral discussions and international organizations.

For more information, contact a KPMG tax professional:

Philippe Stephanny |

Chinedu Nwachukwu |

Ulvi Mehraliyev |

Rizvan Gubiyev |


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