National Taxpayer Advocate mid-year report to Congress

The National Taxpayer Advocate Erin M. Collins released her mid-year report to Congress.

The National Taxpayer Advocate Erin M. Collins released her mid-year report to Congress.

The National Taxpayer Advocate Erin M. Collins today released her mid-year report to Congress. Read the report

According to a related IRS release—IR-2024-173 (June 26, 2024)—the report:

  • Says that the tax-return filing season generally ran smoothly this year, but identifies as key taxpayer challenges:
    • Delays in issuing refunds to identity theft victims
    • Misleading telephone measures that lead to poor resource allocation decisions
    • Delays in processing employee retention credit (ERC) claims
  • Emphasizes the importance of technology upgrades as the IRS seeks to modernize its operations in the coming years

The National Taxpayer Advocate submits two reports to Congress each year: an annual report, delivered in January, and an objectives report, delivered in June. Because the Taxpayer Advocate Services is an independent organization within the IRS, these reports are delivered to the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee with no prior review or comment from the IRS Commissioner, the IRS Oversight Board, the Treasury Secretary or any other Treasury officer or employee or the Office of Management and Budget.


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