Spain: Compatibility with EU law of application of nonresident income tax on dividend distributions (CJEU referral)

A CJEU referral concerning application of nonresident income tax on dividend distributions

A CJEU referral on application of nonresident income tax on dividend

The Superior Court of Justice of the Basque Country on 19 September 2023 referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) for a preliminary ruling regarding whether the method of application of the nonresident income tax (IRNR) of Vizcaya to dividend distributions to a nonresident company is compatible with EU law.

In particular, the court seeks a ruling regarding whether the retention system under the IRNR produces an unjustified difference in treatment between resident and nonresident dividend recipients because the tax withheld on a dividend distribution to a resident recipient is treated as a payment on account of the final settlement of corporate tax, which may be reduced to zero if the recipient is in a loss position. By contrast, the IRNR withheld on a dividend distribution to a nonresident entity is the final tax, regardless of whether the recipient generates profits or losses in the relevant tax period.

Read a November 2023 report (Spanish) [PDF 528 KB] prepared by the KPMG member firm in Spain


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