KPMG report: U.S. transfer pricing and international tax year-end considerations

Time for multinational companies to focus on year-end tax planning

Time for multinational companies to focus on year-end tax planning

As the end of 2023 approaches, it’s a good time for multinational companies to focus on year-end tax planning and identify 2024 focus areas.

Read an October 2023 report [PDF 321 KB] prepared by KPMG LLP that covers some key year-end transfer pricing and international tax issues including:

  • Pillar One’s Amount B: Planning for the future
  • Pillar Two: Country-by-country (CbC) safe harbor, compliance, and mitigation
  • Impending public CbC reporting
  • Capital markets and sustained higher interest rates
  • Planning for evolving business models
  • Ongoing concerns about economic uncertainty
  • Brazil: Tax rule changes and planning opportunities
  • Transfer pricing controversy preparedness
  • Foreign tax redeterminations
  • Foreign-derived intangible income (FDII) planning
  • Base erosion and anti-abuse tax (BEAT) planning
  • Corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT)
  • Issues arising from year-end adjustments
  • Key upcoming changes in the transfer pricing compliance landscape 



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