Germany: Updated CRS guidance, final state exchange list
CRS Newsletter 03/2023
Final state exchange list
Germany’s federal central tax office (BZSt) released guidance (CRS Newsletter 03/2023), which contains the following updates:
- The BZSt issued a final state exchange list for 2023. There are some changes to the final list as compared to the provisional state exchange list released in February 2023.
- Countries with a unilateral exchange relationship with Germany will not require data to be transmitted to the BZSt. Sint Maarten is a new addition to this list. Also, the exchange status of Ghana, Maldives, and Saint Kitts and Nevis has changed. Beginning in 2023, financial institutions must also transmit data for these countries to the BZSt. For Jamaica, the mutual exchange of information on financial accounts will take place for the first time, beginning with the 2022 reporting period. The CRS system is now configured per the final list, reports can be prepared for all countries mentioned in the list.
- As the exchange of information on tax matters with Russia remains suspended, financial institutions are instructed not to transmit financial account information to the BZSt. Consequently, Russia has been removed from the state exchange list.
Read an August 2023 report [PDF 222 KB] prepared by the KPMG member firm in Germany
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