Australia: ATO Corporate Plan focuses on collectible debts
Focus areas outlined in Corporate Plan include improving small business tax performance and addressing collectible debt
Australian Taxation Office Corporate Plan focuses on collectible debts
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on 27 July 2023, released its Corporate Plan covering the period 2023-2024 to 2026-2027.
Notable focus areas outlined in the Corporate Plan include:
- Improving small business tax performance
- Addressing collectible debt, multinational tax performance and superannuation guarantee integrity
KPMG observation
With the focus on both private wealth and public groups’ tax performance, taxpayers of all sizes (and sectors) need to continue to expect review and audit activity in the coming years.
One area where the Corporate Plan indicates an increased level of activity is around debt collection.
When taxpayers receive ATO correspondence on outstanding debts, they need to:
- Act without delay, time is of the essence
- Bring all outstanding lodgements up to date or seek appropriate payment plans and/or security arrangements with the ATO Debt team
- Seek advice to review all potential options available (including consideration of whether the debt is a disputed debt)
- Engage proactively with the ATO on the plan to manage unpaid and overdue taxes
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