Lithuania: Strengthened export and transit controls concerning “illogical” export and transit routes
Customs will request additional supporting documents to prove that the goods will not be resold while in transit in Russia and/or Belarus
Customs will request additional supporting documents
In light of the EU sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus, Lithuanian customs will strengthen export and transit controls due to a noticeable increase in “illogical” routes of goods transportation, which raise reasonable suspicions that the ultimate destination of the goods is Russia and choosing such a route is an attempt to bypass the sanctions.
Lithuanian customs will not allow the export of shipments transported through illogical and economically unjustifiable routes and recommends choosing an alternative transportation route and customs office for export from the EU customs territory.
Lithuanian customs will request additional supporting documents to prove that the goods will not be resold while in transit in Russia and/or Belarus, and that transit through the countries is part of a larger route.
Read a June 2023 report prepared by the KPMG member firm in Lithuania
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