KPMG report: Transfer pricing considerations for ESG-related intangible assets

Transfer pricing issues that companies need to take into account in their ESG-related tax planning

ESG-related intangible assets

As companies develop strategies and incur environmental, social, and governance (ESG) related costs, some of these investments may result in the creation of valuable intangible assets. For instance, many companies focusing on decarbonization create related intangibles. Tax planning around ESG in general or decarbonization-specific intangibles needs to be thoughtful and use consistent frameworks in planning for other product, process, or marketing intangibles.

Read a June 2023 report* [PDF 536 KB] prepared by KPMG LLP tax professionals that examines the transfer pricing issues that companies need to take into account in their ESG-related tax planning.

*This article originally appeared in Tax Notes International (5 June 2023) and is provided with permission.



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