Greece: Tax treatment of dividends of ship brokering and other shipping entities

The dividend tax rate for dividends paid or credited in the years from 2023 onwards is set at 5%.

The dividend tax rate for dividends paid or credited is set at 5%.

According to the provisions of new law 5036/2023 (Gov. Gazette Α΄77/28.3.2023), the dividend tax rate for dividends paid or credited in the years from 2023 onwards by ship brokering and other shipping entities of article 25 of Law 27/1975, except for ship management entities, is set at 5%. For dividends paid or credited in the years up to and including 2022, the dividend tax rate is 10%.

The dividend tax rates do not apply to dividends distributed by shipping entities which, according to their operating licence, are engaged in the management of Greek or foreign flagged ships (such dividends are tax exempt).

Furthermore, the tax rate for extraordinary payments and bonuses that are paid on top of salaries to board members, executives, directors, and employees of the above-mentioned shipping entities, including ship management entities, will remain 10%.

Read an April 2023 report prepared by the KPMG member firm in Greece



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