Mexico: Criteria for compliance and verification of employer obligations in hotel industry

The agreement is effective 13 December 2022.

Criteria for compliance and verification

The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social—STPS) on 12 December 2022 published in the official gazette the agreement that establishes the criteria to be considered for compliance and verification of employer obligations in the hotel industry.

The agreement also outlines the activities and considerations that will be taken into account by the labor authority to determine the provision of services that may be classified as specialized. Natural or legal persons dedicated to providing services related to room cleaning, guest service or registration, kitchen care, reservations and room charges, as well as cooks, bartenders, captains of waiters, waiters, laundry or clothing managers and dishwashers, must review their service contracts to determine whether they would be classified as specialized.

The agreement is effective 13 December 2022.

Read a December 2022 report (Spanish) prepared by the KPMG member firm in Mexico


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