Poland: New draft bill to implement EU single-use plastics directive

The directive aims at reducing waste from single-use plastics in the environment.

The directive aims at reducing waste from single-use plastics in the environment.

The latest version of a draft bill to implement an EU directive (2019/904) regarding single-use plastics was announced on 20 October 2022. A prior version of the draft legislation was announced in July 2022. Read TaxNewsFlash

The directive aims at reducing waste from single-use plastics in the environment by stimulating demand for recycled plastics through determining the minimum amount of recycled material in new products and introducing a fee on single-use plastic packaging.

As proposed, the legislative measures would be effective 14 days after announcement. It is still unknown, however, when the bill will be submitted before the Sejm.

The directive provided a deadline of 3 July 2021 for Member State transposition into domestic law. The European Commission (EC) has called on Member States to implement the provisions of the directive without any further delay.

Read an October 2022 report prepared by the KPMG member firm in Poland


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