Poland: Legislation on family foundations passed by government
New provisions are expected to enter into effect in the first quarter 2023.
Passed by government
The bill on family foundations was passed by the government on 22 November 2022 and submitted to the Lower House of the Polish Parliament. The draft legislation was published on 8 November 2022. Read TaxNewsFlash
Pursuant to the bill, family foundations would technically remain corporate income taxpayers yet remain under subjective exemption—meaning that any revenue earned from asset distribution would not be taxed at the foundation level. The exemption would not apply, however, to shares purchased by a foundation exclusively for further resale.
Moreover, the bill provides for a possibility to renounce the “legitim,” spread it into instalments, postpone its payment deadline, or—in justified cases—reduce its amount.
New provisions are expected to enter into effect in the first quarter 2023.
Read a November 2022 report prepared by the KPMG member firm in Poland
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