Canada: Tax “fairness relief” requests related to 2012 due by 31 December 2022
Deadline for taxpayers to make any “fairness relief” requests related to the 2012 tax year
Deadline is 31 December 2022
The deadline for taxpayers to make any “fairness relief” requests related to the 2012 tax year is 31 December 2022.
The deadline applies to:
- Taxpayer relief requests related to the 2012 tax year
- Any reporting period that ended during the 2012 calendar year
- Any interest that accrued during the 2012 calendar year for any tax year or reporting period
Under taxpayer relief provisions provided by law, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has the discretion to:
- Cancel or waive penalties and interest when taxpayers are unable to meet their tax obligations due to circumstances beyond their control
- Accept certain late filed, amended, or revoked income tax elections
- Issue income tax refunds or reduce income tax payable beyond the normal three-year reassessment period (only for individuals and testamentary trusts and starting in 2016, only for individuals and graduated rate estates)
This discretion is limited to tax years that ended within the 10 calendar years immediately before the calendar year in which a request is made.
The CRA also has the discretion to cancel or waive interest and certain penalties under the taxpayer relief provisions of the Excise Tax Act. This discretion is similarly limited to reporting periods that ended within the last 10 calendar years before the year in which a request is made.
Read a November 2022 report prepared by the KPMG member firm in Canada
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