“Qualified disaster” declaration allowing employer-sponsored charities to provide relief (Alaska)

Tax relief for taxpayers in Alaska affected by September 2022 storms

Tax relief for taxpayers in Alaska affected by September 2022 storms

The IRS issued a release announcing tax relief for taxpayers in the Regional Education Attendance Areas of Bering Strait, Kashunamiut, Lower Kuskokwim and Lower Yukon of Alaska, affected by September 2022 storms, flooding, and landslides. This follows the recent disaster declaration for individual assistance issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Read the IRS release—AK-2022-04 (September 27, 2022)

FEMA’s disaster declaration also allows certain employer-sponsored charities to provide disaster relief programs for affected employees. In particular, employer-sponsored private foundations and donor-advised funds may provide assistance to the sponsoring employer’s employees and their family members as long as the individuals receiving aid are affected by a qualifying disaster and certain safeguards are in place so that such assistance is serving charitable purposes. Read Publication 3833 [PDF 340 KB]. For additional information regarding how employers can assist employees affected by the disaster, read a July 2021 report [PDF 172 KB] prepared by KPMG LLP: What’s News in Tax: Employers Helping Employees—Disaster Relief

The tax relief is provided by the IRS to affected taxpayers who now have until February 15, 2023, to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments. Read TaxNewsFlash

For more information, contact a tax professional with KPMG’s Washington National Tax practice:

Ruth Madrigal | ruthmadrigal@kpmg.com

Preston Quesenberry | pquesenberry@kpmg.com


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