KPMG report: Year-in-review list of U.S. federal tax developments for 2019 (as reported in TaxNewsFlash)
Year-in-review list of U.S. federal tax developments
Article Posted dateJanuary 23, 2020
KPMG LLP has compiled an easy-to-use list of many 2019 U.S. federal tax developments.
This list references relevant editions of TaxNewsFlash addressing federal legislative, administrative, judicial, and other tax developments. It also lists KPMG’s special reports on key developments, including analyses and practical observations.
- Read the KPMG report: 2019: TaxNewsFlash Year-in-Review [PDF 1.2 MB]
The list is divided into five broad topics: Legislative, Executive Branch / Administrative, Judicial, Treaties / Puerto Rico / Other, and KPMG Reports. Some of these topics are further divided into subtopics. Note that:
- Each item links to the underlying TaxNewsFlash. The date of each item is the date in 2019 on which the underlying TNF was published.
- In most cases, developments are listed in reverse chronological order (i.e., most recent first); however, court cases generally are listed in alphabetical order.
- Some items (such as KPMG reports) may be listed in multiple places.
- The list does not reference editions of TaxNewsFlash on matters other than federal tax developments. It also generally does not include editions of “specialty” TaxNewsFlash publications that address matters such as FATCA, exempt organizations, trade and customs, cooperatives, and transfer pricing. See the TaxNewsFlash U.S. home page for links to these publications.
Tax reform: Developments and analysis Some developments relating to the 2017 tax legislation commonly called the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”—or “TCJA”—are marked “[TCJA]” in red font for ease of reference. However, if you are searching for TCJA-related developments in particular, you may want to look at the KPMG developments and analysis guide. This easy-to-use guide is organized by topic and links to TCJA-related federal tax developments (including Treasury and IRS guidance) and relevant KPMG analyses and observations. You also can find a host of resources on TCJA-related developments, including links to webcasts, on KPMG’s tax reform webpage. |
Taxation of the Digitalized Economy For KPMG's reports of developments concerning the tax treatment of the digital economy, including digital services tax and the taxation of online, remote sales, see Taxation of the Digitalized Economy. |
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