KPMG report: Year-in-review list of U.S. federal tax developments for 2018

KPMG report: Year-in-review for 2018

KPMG LLP has compiled an easy-to-use list of many recent U.S. federal tax developments that can help users quickly identify what happened in 2018 in the federal tax arena.


Editions of TaxNewsFlash addressing federal legislative, administrative, and judicial tax developments are listed. The list also includes KPMG’s special reports, many of which provide analyses and observations on legislative and administrative developments relating to the massive 2017 tax law (Pub. L. No. 115-97), commonly called the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (or “TCJA”). 

The list is divided into four broad topics: Legislative, Executive Branch / Administrative, Judicial, and KPMG Reports. Most of these topics are further divided into subtopics. Note that:

  • Each item includes a link to the underlying TaxNewsFlash.
  • Developments relating to the TCJA are marked “[TCJA]” in red font, for ease of reference.
  • The list does not reference editions of TaxNewsFlash on matters other than federal tax developments. It also does not include editions of “specialty” TaxNewsFlash publications that address matters such as FATCA, exempt organizations, trade and customs, cooperatives, and transfer pricing.  See the TaxNewsFlash U.S. home page for links to these publications.
  • Additional resources regarding the implementation of the TCJA, including KPMG webcasts on a host of technical topics, can be found here.

Read the KPMG report: 2018: TaxNewsFlash Year in Review [PDF 1 MB]

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