How May A.I. Assist You?

How May A.I. Assist You?


Conversational AI agents can boost employee performance, productivity and outcomes

Conversational agents: The next frontier of business productivity

In the past, an employee with a question about how to get something done would ask a knowledgeable colleague for an answer. In the future, they’ll ask a conversational agent, and ‑artificial intelligence will answer their question.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is racing out of the lab and onto the front lines of business, driving companies around the globe to reinvent how they operate. AI has become essential to competing in today’s marketplace, for predicting what internal and external customers want and discovering how to serve them with more rewarding and personalized experiences.

One of the most visible applications of AI are “conversational agents”—chatbots and intelligent assistants that interact with people via voice or text channels, on devices such as smartphones, automotive infotainment consoles, and smart speakers. Having conversations with AI is becoming routine for consumers—and soon it will be for employees, too. In the workplace, conversational agents can help workers interact more seamlessly with each other, streamline office operations, execute internal process, and deliver data more efficiently. We believe the next frontier for business productivity is for organizations to embrace conversational agents to better assist employees.

This paper was created for those individuals who are considering embedding conversational agents inside their organization to streamline and enhance internal operations.

This paper includes insights on:

  • Where and why to use conversational agents
  • How to drive enterprise adoption of conversational agents
  • The building blocks of successful conversational agent deployment
  • How to grow conversational agent capabilities as technology evolves


AI applications will grow from $644M in 2016 to $37B by 2025, a factor of 56


IDC expects smart speaker sales to approach $12 billion in 2018 and reach $28B in 2022

For more information, download the full report below.

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