KPMG’s cryptoasset framework
KPMG’s cryptoasset framework
Read about KPMG’s Cryptoasset Framework and learn how our Cryptoasset practice can help your crypto project or business.
In working with startups, exchanges and large financial services organizations, KPMG's Cryptoasset practice has developed a crossfunctional framework that helps a crypto business scale while addressing the key challenges discussed previously.
KPMG's framework that has been applied successfully to several advanced crypto projects and businesses. This framework comprises of key capabilities required for a crypto business covering strategy, technology, operations, cybersecurity, risk management, finance and compliance to help them on the road to institutionalization.
The framework categorizes these capabilities under five pillars:
Pillar 0 Plan: Strategize the products and services to be provided and establish product-market fit
Pillar 1 Onboard: Onboard the cryptoasset and the customer
Pillar 2 Service and deliver: Provide support for the servicing andmanagement of cryptoassets
Pillar 3 Protect: Secure cryptoassets, protect client confidentiality andmonitor the blockchains
Pillar 4 Comply and report: Comply with the applicable regulatory frameworks, financial reporting requirements and taxreporting obligations
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