Race for the platform
Race for the platform
Over-the-top (OTT) content delivery will bring about a redistribution of TV industry profits, and it may just be the beginning.
Over-the-top content delivery will bring about a redistribution of TV industry profits
Over-the-top (OTT) content delivery will bring about a redistribution of TV industry profits, and it may just be the beginning. Industry players have spent decades perfecting a highly profitable model that is now being significantly disrupted, and the onslaught of disruptions is happening at an increasing clockspeed. There’s a strong sense of urgency to evolve and transform. We believe the TV and film ecosystem will evolve to adopt a platform business model, which will dramatically change the way viewers select, purchase and watch TV programs. Companies looking to participate in the new TV ecosystem are facing uncharted territory and will need to grapple with some critical questions.
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