KPMG’s Global Valuation Institute
KPMG’s Global Valuation Institute
Valuation is a constantly evolving discipline, shaped by theoretical advances and the adoption of some of these advances by practitioners.
Valuation is a constantly evolving discipline
About the GVI
Valuation is a constantly evolving discipline, shaped by theoretical advances and the adoption of some of these advances by practitioners. KPMG’s Global Valuation Institute (GVI) has been established to sponsor research and support dialogue on current valuation matters affecting companies, investors and regulators.
The GVI is comprised of KPMG professionals and leading academics with strong credentials in the field of valuation and financial reporting who have a shared commitment to bridge academic research with practice excellence. The GVI is supported by KPMG’s Global Valuations network comprised of more than 1,200 professionals in nearly 50 countries. The GVI encourages members of academia as well as valuation and financial reporting professionals to contribute ideas related to our agenda. Approved submissions can receive grants to support authorship of articles and research.
At the forefront of the GVI’s approach is its commitment to the practical application of quality research and authorship. Therefore, leading academics from highly regarded universities around the world are commissioned to act as advisers. These individuals provide both their insights and perspectives to the GVI’s work.
The GVI’s research agenda integrates numerous areas of topical interest: corporate finance, economics, financial reporting, governance, joint ventures, litigation support, tangible assets, intangible assets, and tax.
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The GVI Provides:
- Insights and education intended to improve business decision-making
- A platform for interpreting complex issues within the valuation profession
- A technical source for regulatory agencies and professional organizations
- A global community for valuation and financial reporting professionals
The GVI provides:
The GVI provides:
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