Good quality infrastructure assets are vital to support economic growth. Asset management is a strategic approach that supports decision making and enables infrastructure owners to balance performance, cost and risk in their decision-making to maximise the value their assets. Asset management supported by targeted implementation of existing technology can generate benefits of at least £3 for every £1 of cost on the rail network, and over £2 of benefits for every £1 of cost in the water sector [1].

At KPMG we support our infrastructure owners to transform the way they manage their assets to create value and drive operational performance for customers, shareholders and citizens.

Who we help

We have a strong track record of undertaking high profile and complex projects for a diverse set of infrastructure clients across a wide range of industries:

  • Transport
  • Power and Utilities
  • Defence
  • Oil & Gas
  • Health
  • Retail
  • Industrial Manufacturing

What we do

Strategy and Transformation

We help our clients to broaden their view of capital investment, moving from a traditional asset management approach to a more holistic approach of understanding how assets link to organisational objectives and long-term outcomes.

We can support you at every step of the transformation journey. We can help you achieve your short-term performance and efficiency objectives and build capability and resilience for the long term through:

  • Asset lifecycle end-to-end transformation: Connecting your business functions to front line delivery across the asset lifecycle
  • Functional transformation: Transforming your asset management, capital delivery or maintenance organisation 

Asset Performance and Resilience

Our approaches optimise value by trading off priorities to balance asset performance, service risk and cost. We recognise the challenge of reduced OpEx budgets and the impact of climate change.

We leverage our deep technical and industry insights to develop robust asset investment strategies and operational plans for both capex and OpEx decision making. These include promoting risked based decision making and value frameworks as well as lifecycle planning and whole life costing. Our approaches optimise value trading off priorities by balancing asset performance, service risk and cost.

Digital Asset Management

Data provides the opportunity to generate cost savings, operational efficiencies and managing ever evolving customer expectations. We assess and diagnose capability, systems and data shortfalls to identify opportunities to improve productivity, address efficiency gaps to deliver better decision-making capabilities and improving asset performance.

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