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Our Stories

Discover the impact we’ve made in the Cloud industry.

Explore the successful projects we’ve been involved in, enabling our clients to achieve their Cloud goals.

See how our expertise and experience have led to positive outcomes for our clients, including improved efficiency, increased profitability and enhanced security.

Cloud Strategy, Planning, Assessment & Design

Cloud Strategy, Planning, Assessment & Design

Cloud is enabling entirely new ways of doing business with agility to scale at business speed that makes setting a clear cloud strategy and preparing IT organisations for change crucial to achieving business imperatives. Organisations have challenges due to the vast scope and potential disruption to business due to cloud adoption. Clients need an advisory partner who understands their business, could provide thought leadership in cloud services and advise in their cloud journey.

KPMG helps clients determine where, when, and how to effectively use cloud products and services through types of processes and new models such as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. We use best practices to link processes to managing IT services in the cloud world. Our cloud strategy approach leverages leading insight and tailored accelerators fostering collaboration between the business and IT teams, and ultimately delivering a cohesive strategy. Our pragmatic approach follows a comprehensive set of transformation elements from understanding the client situation, defining the case for change and governing change aligned to business imperative.

  • Improved alignment between business and IT leadership, organisational agility, responsiveness and speed.
  • Visibility into IT spend, usage, and risk mapped to value.
  • Implementation of a cloud ecosystem that addresses potential security, tax, risk, and compliance considerations.
  • Evaluation of applications and services suitable for cloud and recommendations for delivery and deployment models.

Cloud Value Management/ Economics

Cloud Value Management/ Economics

  • Security & Compliance: Relying on third party clouds has given rise to security concerns, which is why cloud vendors are more often undertaking formal third-party security evaluations (ISO, SOC, FedRAMP).
  • Operating Model: Relying on third party clouds places new needs on the standard ways of working in IT. Especially the new role of “IT as a broker” in a service provider ecosystem forces IT organisations everywhere to build up strong Vendor Management capabilities that can handle new multi-cloud realities.
  • Pricing & Contracting: Relying more heavily on SaaS, PaaS & IaaS providers creates a situation in which traditional IT Cost Controlling, Budgeting and Accounting practices need to be complemented by new ways of controlling external spend that are based on strong contract management as well as understanding subscription, transaction or perpetual licenses pricing models. This is key to realise the envisioned value of Cloud!.

KPMG has developed standard practices to transform the Digital Value Chain and IT-owned Vendor Management processes integrated across the entire Digital Value Chain to tackle the new challenges in multi-vendor environments. Selecting a preferred hyper-scaling Cloud provider (e.g. AWS) and writing a “Cloud Only” or “Cloud First” strategy paper is only part of the story. KPMG helps the client to understand how an IT organisation needs to change in order to successfully broker between the business end users and SaaS, PaaS and IaaS providers.

Our clients benefit from KPMG’s vast sourcing and vendor management experience across all industries. By transforming Digital Value Chains to effectively become Cloud Service Brokers, we help clients to…

  • ...ensure compliance and security in a heterogenous IT and cloud vendor ecosystem that is not upfront planned but organically grown based on business demands and business initiative.
  • ...ensure IT cost efficiency by controlling the external spend on SaaS, PaaS & IaaS.
  • ...ensure business IT alignment by constantly re-adjusting the IT cloud vendor ecosystem to immediate business needs and business realities.

Cloud CoE & Target Operating Model

Cloud CoE & Target Operating Model

Organisations are adopting new ways of working to unlock agility and gain cost benefits whilst ensuring they operate within the risk appetite. Cloud adoption has become the corner stone of this transformation. A cloud CoE helps standardise and fast track the cloud adoption across the organisation.

Typical challenges with implementing a Cloud CoE include:

  • Defining the right hiring strategy to source and retain the right people.
  • Identifying what investments to make in people, training and toolsets for a high performing team.
  • Limited ability to keep up with ever increasing demand to on-board applications, and infrastructure.
  • Inability to create really clear, outcome-based measures of success for the CCoE.
  • Difficulty to introduce new partners or capabilities for fear of losing productivity and agility.

  • KPMG can provide a proven blueprint for mobilizing a Cloud Centre of Excellence and its associated operating model.
  • We can bring ready-made tools, processes and re-useable assets to accelerate your cloud enablement objectives and rapidly get to the creation of products.
  • We have skilled Cloud practitioners with multi-cloud experience who provide immediate resource support, mentoring of your people and knowledge transfer.
  • We have end-to-end capability and can fully support your Cloud Enablement journey.
    • Build: To create a strong and effective Cloud Enablement capability.
    • Operate: Support you teams in creating, maintaining and operating your cloud products.
    • Transition back to client: Provide common solutions and guiderails for safe and accelerated migration to cloud.

  • Accelerate delivery of organisational capabilities via a frictionless reliable and stable enterprise cloud platform.
  • Sustainable adoption and use of cloud services that deliver measurable value.
  • Promotes use of standard practices and services via visibility into financial effectiveness and service performance.
  • Prioritise demand based on value to organisation.

Cloud Managed Services, DevOps-as-a-Service

Cloud Managed Services, DevOps-as-a-Service

An IT organisation is on a transformation journey to support the business by adopting modern practices such as DevOps, Agile and SRE. The modern approach was required to support the key business objective of delivering value faster and more often, as measured by a higher rate of code contribution, a reduction in incident MTTR, a reduction in lead time to market, and a reduction in Operations’ ‘run the engine’ budget.

Agile and DevOps breaks down the traditional silos that limit IT’s agility by integrating engineering, testing and operations into full stack teams, automating large portions of the value chain, and creating a culture of collaboration focused on customer outcomes. We help clients to eliminate the toil from the CI/CD pipeline, operations, and monitoring, enabling accelerated flow of business value.

  • By automating as many aspects of the software development life cycle (SDLC) as possible, including testing and deployment, DevOps teams are able to release working code on a continuous basis, rather than at the end of a two-week sprint as may be found in agile environments.
  • Makes security as frictionless as possible in the application delivery pipeline so the business can deliver value rapidly.
  • Align risk-reducing security activities to the business strategy via ever tighter feedback loops and by tying system metrics to business metrics.

Cloud Data & Analytics

Cloud Data & Analytics

  • Many legacy systems throughout different entities of the group (e.g., as a result of acquisitions), with different data models and structures, carrying the same type of transactional information (sales, inventory, venders etc.) that cannot be easily integrated or replaced.
  • Integration or replacement of legacy dispersed systems economically not viable.
  • Client is struggling with enormous amounts of data from many transactional systems stored in on-premised, non-scalable and dispersed databases.
  • Clients wants to analyse external data sources and combine it with organisation internal data.
  • Data collected and transformed manually with many exceptions being handled subjectively by the person preparing the report.
  • Client does not have relevant data access and privacy policies.
  • Specialists spend excessive time on preparing the same or similar analysis on a regular basis rather than solving problems, Client struggles with building internal Center of Excellence.
  • Clients don’t have metrics defined that are linked to transactional data.
  • Metrics within one company are not unified – they bear the same name; however, each team calculates them differently applying judgement as to what should be included or excluded from the calculation (and no one knows about it!).
  • Client is already mature in the business intelligence based on historical data and wants to predict company performance using Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence.
  • Client wants to automate analytical model building using different AI methods in order to learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.
  • Client wants to implement BI solutions as fast as possible to give access to information to the decision makers and is looking for "BI in the box" solutions.

KPMG’s approach for implementing Business Intelligence covers all the stages – from visioning, definition of business requirements, through scalable Cloud Data Fabric design, and BI reporting and intelligence applications development. We leverage many years of business insight and cloud technology expertise for design and implementation of adequate tools enhancing the decision-making process and giving insight into massive amount of corporate data creating Enterprise Data Management Platform.

  • Holistic Cloud Business Transformation approach compliant with market best practices.
  • Implementation of modern cloud data management platform (data fabric) being source for BI reports and applications.
  • Data fabric services available for citizen developers.
  • Holistic data consolidation and external sources integration.
  • "BI in the Box" accelerators.
  • Business insight and cloud technology expertise for design and implementation of ML and AI algorithms.
  • Enhanced decision-making process by providing easy access to up-to-date information.
  • Embedded Cloud Master Data Management and Governance incl. data & metrics ownership.
  • Actionable analytics: see (visualisation), understand the cause (drill), act (apps and flow).
  • Optimisation of costs related to the IT software and hardware.