At KPMG, we are committed to serving the public interest and bring value to our audited entities, through continuous innovation and adoption of transformative technologies, such as robotics, AI, and advanced analytics. By leveraging leading technologies, we are transforming the audit experience for our professionals and our audited entities. It enables us to provide an even higher quality audit by increasing our ability to focus on the issues that matter through the data and insights it provides. We have a well-established culture of innovation that is underpinned by two key factors: a relentless focus on the right Values and investing in transformational technologies through strategic alliances.
KPMG Audit. Enhanced with AI.
Incredible speed, expert precision.
Reimagine transformation, reveal opportunity.
Sharper vision, deeper insights.
Elevate performance, deliver confidence.
Our Insights
AI in audit: Not just hype
AI is transforming financial reporting and auditing – helping businesses to better manage their data and risks, and giving auditors greater ability to detect anomalies and outliers. But how far will this go? Is the vision of an interconnected AI-powered financial reporting ecosystem, underpinned and checked by real-time continuous auditing, with value-added and predictive insights, a near reality — or still a far-off aspiration?