Are you acquiring a business, but unclear on whether it will be a subsidiary or joint arrangement?
Are you wondering whether the consideration paid will be classified as debt or equity?
Are you concerned about how the target’s P&L and balance sheet will look after applying your accounting policies?
Are you thinking about listing, but unsure about the accounting and reporting requirements?
How we can help
We can provide clarity by reviewing your draft agreements, and advising on the classification of the target entity, the consideration paid and the deal finance.
And if you’re selling a business, we can support you with the preparation of carve-out financial statements.
After completion, we help you determine your acquisition accounting, including valuation support during the purchase-price allocation exercise. If there are GAAP differences between your business and the acquired entity, we can help with the adjustments, ensuring that the opening balance sheet is in line with your policies.
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Related services in deal advisory
Talk to our expert
Greg Stinson
Partner, Accounting Advisory Services
KPMG in the UK
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