When The Pensions Regulator (TPR) needed to overhaul its approach to documents and data to reduce its regulatory risk profile, our team got to work on transformation. Watch the video to learn more.



The problem

The organisation, which has the vital role of protecting the UK’s workplace pensions was looking to optimise its technology and processes. Their on-premise and outdated document management systems made compliance more of a manual burden and risk than it needed to be.

TPR also had various outdated Systems to Support Regulatory Activity (SSRA) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems causing process inefficiencies, data sharing challenges across departments, and wasn’t a good use of staff time and costs. 

The solution

With a deep understanding of how a regulatory organisation operates, regulatory requirements and technology transformation, our team was ready to help TPR move forward with new operational systems and refreshed processes. A vital step in the program was to ease compliance burden and risks. Therefore, we built in automated processes and alerts around documents and data, to make sure everything is classified correctly and nothing is kept on file longer than it should be.

Connect with us

Save, Curate and Share

Save what resonates, curate a library of information, and share content with your network of contacts.

The outcomes

Out priority was to migrate TPR onto modern cloud-enabled and connected technology systems – Microsoft SharePoint Online for document management, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for CRM.

  • Our team securely migrated 5.7 million documents to SharePoint with no down time for TPR.
  • On CRM, we established logical workflows and easy-to-use interfaces for an optimal user experience.
  • We transferred the full 850 user base onto the document management solution, and 120 onto the CRM solution.

Download our case study to find out more.