A complex system of interconnected value chains emerges
Historically, the transportation industry has operated along largely linear value chains. This is all changing. Various sectors are converging, eager to seize revenue opportunities in a new mobility ecosystem. The result is a complex web of interconnected value chains.
We expect a multitude of new entrants to take a share of this new market, with unprecedented levels of partnership and collaboration in the search for new solutions.
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At the same time, sources of value will fundamentally shift both within value chains and across the ecosystem. The value derived from today’s personal car is fairly equally split between upstream (raw materials to finished vehicles) and downstream (all other parts of the value chain).
Customers typically directly buy services such as fuelling, insurance and service, maintenance and repair. Downstream revenues associated with personally owned vehicles are estimated at US$45,000 over a car’s lifetime (KPMG Mobility 2030 analysis). But, by 2030, in an EV-CAV-MaaS world, we believe the downstream value could be as much as ten times larger, driven by new, digitally-enabled revenue streams.
Having enjoyed years of strong, steady revenues and a good share of the value chain, incumbents and perhaps even entire sectors may be completely eliminated, whilst opportunities for new services (and new entrants) will emerge. The impact is likely to be far-reaching:
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