Compliance & security on demand

Decrease risk. Increase trust

KPMG Managed Services for Government

Enabling compliant, secure operations that keep pace with the speed of changing requirements

In today’s fast-paced, unpredictable environment, operational needs and requirements are constantly evolving.

For government and public sector organisations keeping pace with the speed of change, whilst continuing to deliver effectively for citizens, places ever more demands on already pressurised operations.

Managed services help continually evolve your operational functions to keep up with ever-changing targets while hitting key stops along the way.

What types of services do we support with?

Our managed services operations are based on several key elements. We replicate these across engagements to help ensure the quality outcomes, from the operational design stage to mobilisation and BAU delivery. We have extensive expertise in standing up and running large operations across multiple industries and business areas.

Just some of the ways we are supporting clients everyday include:

  • Remediation services: enabling the delivery of short-term regulatory programmes 
  • Complaint handling and end to end customer resolutions operations: including contact centres and customer outreach programmes 
  • Claims handling: from taking on the end-to-end claims, to support with spikes in claims and BAU, to providing components of the process 
  • Controls Transformation: navigating regulations including GDPR, supplier contract obligations, TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) and more, to deliver successful controls transformation to achieve a robust and sustainable control environment and establishing an assurance framework to keep that maintained
  • Learning Managed Services: high quality, bespoke training to help deliver your learning and development requirements, underpinned by a service centre helping to provide exceptional event co-ordination and customer support

Explore some of the ways we have helped clients


This top global bank had tried to develop and implement a solution to combat Financial crime, but were unsuccessful. They needed a scalable and innovative solution to be able to review Hong Kong based SME customers against their Financial Crime Policy standards over a four-year period.

KPMG Approach

  • Pooled our global technology capabilities to develop a cloud-based solution including: Policy Lineage/Rules Engine, Case Management, and Customer Portal that is delivered in a full managed services model
  • Delivery priced on an outcome basis per case. We are currently undertaking 400,000 commercial banking KYC reviews
  • Our Client Due Diligence Centre in Foshan, China, has 600 resources, established over a twelve-month period
  • Data Analytics conducted across the portfolio to assess customer behaviours


The KYC/CDD solution was deployed within six months and reduced the end-to-end time for completing a customer review by approx. 50% compared to the in-house solution, and attained high right-first-time quality scores.

Through customer analytics the KPMG solution has provided an increased lens for monitoring financial crime plus allowed the bank to enhance its relationship with customers by having a deeper understanding of their business activities.


The client approached Managed Services to take on its BAU complaints handling process of approx. 5000 cases per month. Client wished to improve efficiency and cost of service delivery.

KPMG Approach

  • Mobilised a team of 35 FTE across UK and 43 in India within eight weeks
  • Completed a 10 week mobilisation - with a pilot phase to help the client with increasing monthly volumes in existing BAU operation
  • Deployed a bespoke technology solution to deliver a streamlined process with increased automation to reduce handling times
  • Created improved procedure guides and new joiner training material to train and accredit c80 FTE across both sites
  • Supported client through process redesign to satisfy FCA requirements under a revised scheme


Process improvements and automation delivered saved the client an estimated £1M p.a. in cost of delivery. Significantly improved quality and consistency of outcomes compared with previous outsourced provider. Delivered detailed MI to support data analysis and decision making.

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