• Rashid Mohammad, Assistant Manager |
3 min read

Disaster Recovery: A Business Imperative in Today's Digital Landscape

In today's digitally driven world, where businesses heavily rely on information technology (IT) systems to conduct their operations, the importance of disaster recovery (DR) planning cannot be overstated. IT disaster recovery planning has evolved from being an option to being an essential aspect of business continuity strategies.

Organizations across industries are investing significant resources in ensuring the uninterrupted operation of their IT systems. The reliance on IT services demands effective fault-tolerant techniques like DR solutions. With the expectation of 24/7 availability of IT systems, even minutes of downtime can lead to substantial revenue loss and business disruptions.

The Global Landscape and Remaining Challenges

The global Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) market underscores the increasing acknowledgment of business continuity's significance. The market was valued at USD 10.62 billion in 2022, and it is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.2% from 2023 to 2030, reaching an estimated $31.6 billion by 2030, Disaster Recovery As A Service Market Size Report, 2030. Furthermore, 80% of organizations report an availability gap between the speed at which they can recover data and how quickly they need it, significantly impeding business continuity efforts. For over 90% of mid-sized and large enterprises, downtime costs exceed $300,000 per hour, Data protection trends report.

Despite the growing recognition of disaster recovery planning's importance, organisations face several challenges. These include reliance on manual recovery methods, insufficient testing, and dependence on multiple recovery tools. Furthermore, the evolving threat landscape, underscores the risks posed by ransomware attacks and cyber threats to business continuity, Disaster Recovery Plans for IT. To tackle these challenges, organisations can develop runbooks and implement automated recovery solutions, which reduce the risk of human error and enhance recovery speed.

KPMG: Your Partner in Disaster Recovery Planning and Assessment

KPMG, a global leader in professional services, stands ready to assist organizations in navigating the complexities of disaster recovery planning and assessment. Drawing upon extensive experience and expertise in risk management and business continuity, KPMG offers tailored solutions to help businesses fortify their resilience against potential disruptions.

Understanding the unique risks specific to each organisation is paramount in developing effective disaster recovery strategies. KPMG's comprehensive risk assessment services empower businesses to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities, enabling them to allocate resources strategically. With the help of our proven IT Resilience framework and methodology, organisations can begin with a focused assessment. Additionally, by utilizing the KPMG-designed DR Evaluation framework, organisations can assess their DR plan and identify gaps to build a robust strategy.

Effective disaster recovery planning goes beyond merely setting up a DR data centre; it demands a holistic program and strategy for swiftly recovering critical IT services and business operations in the event of a disaster. KPMG's approach ensures that organisations develop robust DR strategies aligned with their specific needs and objectives. By regularly assessing and updating DR plans, organisations can stay ahead of evolving threats and ensure business continuity in the face of unforeseen events.


In conclusion, disaster recovery is not merely a luxury but a critical business necessity in today's dynamic and digital business environment. Organisations must invest in robust DR strategies, continually update their plans, increase automation, foster collaboration, and remain vigilant against emerging threats to safeguard their operations and maintain business continuity. With the guidance and expertise of experienced partners like KPMG, businesses can enhance their DR capabilities and confidently navigate through disruptions.