• Jo Berry, Manager |
6 min read


I have been at KPMG for a year now. As a registered nurse and someone who is passionate about healthcare and patient outcomes, I have been thinking about the work we do and finding out about an invaluable asset that is hiding in plain sight: clinicians.

KPMG has a diverse range of clinicians within their teams, including GPs (general practitioners), nurses, scientists, pharmacists, physiotherapists and many more. These essential team members bring a unique perspective. They have a skill set based on industry experience and deep-rooted insights on healthcare organisations, which I believe are a game changer for our healthcare team and beyond.

Clinicians have a special talent of using their experience of being on the frontline to bridge the gap between the strategic needs of advising organisations and the complex reality of balancing the requirements of the healthcare sector and their objective to deliver high-quality care to their patients.

When it comes to devising innovative solutions for our clients, our profound knowledge gained through first-hand experience of clinical practices, healthcare operations, and patient and family interactions, coupled with our understanding of regulatory frameworks, positions us as the ideal partners to deliver the expected outcomes in the healthcare sector.

By having clinicians integrated into our team, we possess a deep understanding of the intricacies of the market. This enables the development of specialised strategies that effectively address the challenges our clients face.

With this advantage, we constantly strive for excellence in all our endeavours because our team comprises of individuals who have experienced the realities of working in the sector. They can precisely identify the key requirements necessary for achieving improved outcomes, ensuring our solutions are tailored and impactful.

The reality of having the benefit of hindsight

The first-hand experience of our clinicians providing direct patient care and navigating the complexities of healthcare delivery is one of their greatest strengths. Years of patient diagnosis, assessments and treatments have honed their eye for details and analytical mindset. Clinicians, in tandem with their consulting colleagues are adept at drawing important conclusions from observations, complex data, spotting trends and making informed judgments. This further strengthens our KPMG healthcare provision as we leverage data-driven strategies to deliver impactful results for our clients. We know what the outcome needs to be, and our work continues to strive towards that.

With experience in managing the intricacies of healthcare organisations and delivering care to patients, our clinicians possess other invaluable insights:

  • They understand the demands placed on healthcare workers and the challenges associated with resource management. This depth of expertise enables our whole team to approach clients with empathy and a practical mindset. We can craft solutions that are not only feasible but also have a tangible impact on improving health outcomes for patients.
  • They possess an unparalleled depth of knowledge and insight into the complete journey of patient care, encompassing both out-of-hospital and acute care settings. Their understanding is not merely theoretical but stems from a profound immersion in this field. They have actively engaged with and experienced every aspect of the process, truly touching and living the challenges and intricacies inherent in providing comprehensive care to patients.
  • I have personally witnessed the tremendous advantage of having individuals in our teams who possess the benefit of hindsight and perspective gained from frontline experience. Our clinicians' extensive encounters with patients, families, and multidisciplinary teams have finely honed their communication skills to an exceptional level. As a result, when interacting with our clients, we seamlessly "speak the same language," establishing immediate credibility and fostering a sense of reassurance. The unique perspective clinicians bring, acquired through first-hand experience, allows clients to quickly recognise that we may be clinicians ourselves.

Our ability to communicate effectively and deeply understand their challenges and needs immediately resonates with them. This shared perspective not only instils trust but also enhances the broader healthcare team's ability to deliver excellence, as we can collaboratively work towards achieving the best outcomes for patients.

By leveraging our clinicians' expertise, coupled with our commitment to empathy, practicality, and tangible impact, we are positioned to make a positive difference in the healthcare industry. Our collaborative efforts enhance the delivery of exceptional outcomes and contribute to the overall success of our clients, while improving health outcomes for patients.

Adaptable Problem-Solvers

In the healthcare industry, the challenges evolve as demand changes and expectations are raised. Clinicians bring their expertise and first-hand experience in patient care, while our non-clinical colleagues offer a diverse range of skills and perspectives from their respective fields. Together, they form a dynamic team that excels in problem-solving and adapts to the ever-changing healthcare landscape.

I have seen how in the face of complex challenges, both clinicians and non-clinical colleagues demonstrate their capacity to think quickly, generate innovative ideas, and challenge traditional thinking. Their collaborative efforts ensure a comprehensive approach to problem-solving and leverages on the strengths and insights of all team members.

In summary the blend of expertise from our clinicians and non-clinical colleagues and collective efforts creates a powerful source of adaptable problem solvers.

Trusting the advice from those with lived industry experience

KPMG UK's clinicians are an invaluable asset to the firm, complementing the diverse range of skills within our team and enabling us to deliver comprehensive solutions for our clients. Recognising the immense value of this expertise, I helped form KPMG UK’s first clinical community group, we currently have 32 members.

Our vision is to create a dynamic and collaborative clinical community group within the firm, harnessing the unique expertise and experience of our healthcare professionals and research scientists. By sharing clinical insights, we aim to drive client value and contribute to the firm's growth and success.

With a focus on innovation, knowledge sharing and thought leadership, our mission is to bring clinical and research perspectives and insights to our client work by fostering transformational change in the healthcare and life science sectors.

By upholding KPMG's core values of #integrity, #excellence, #courage, #forbetter and #together and through the collective efforts of our clinical community group we strive to help the firm distinguish itself as the most trusted and leading provider of professional services in these markets.

I have seen how the mix of clinicians and non-clinicians brings a collaborative synergy that produces creative ideas and solutions. It promotes a mindset of ongoing learning and professional development. Non-clinicians offer their experience in fields like strategy, finance, technology, and change management, while clinicians bring their in-depth knowledge of patient care and healthcare operations.

I am proud to work for KPMG UK and be part of a team that delivers #excellence by working together for better. I have seen how all my colleagues go beyond expectations to have a significant and meaningful impact on healthcare delivery and patient care because we are part of a team that wants the same outcomes as our clients do.

#cliniciansatKPMG #togetherforbetter