Our Values
Our Values
Our Values represent what we believe in, and what’s important to us as an organization.
Our Values represent what we believe in, and what’s important to us as an organization.
Our Values guide our behaviors day-to-day, informing how we act, the decisions we make, and how we work with each other, our clients, companies that we audit, and all our stakeholders. Our values are:
Integrity: We do what is right.
Integrity means we are honest, fair and consistent in our words, actions and decisions — both inside and outside work. We take responsibility and accountability for our day-to-day behavior and we hold ourselves to the highest moral and ethical standards at all times — even when under pressure. We keep our promises and set an example for others to follow.
Excellence: We never stop learning and improving.
Excellence means relentlessly delivering quality work to the highest professional standards. We do this by staying curious and taking personal responsibility for our learning. We constantly look to improve our work through data and insights and are open to new challenges and feedback because that is how we develop and improve.
Courage: We think and act boldly.
Courage is about being open to new ideas and being honest about the limits of our own knowledge and experience. It’s about applying professional skepticism to what we see and asking questions where we have doubts. We speak up if we see something we believe is wrong, and we support those who have the courage to speak up themselves. Courage is being bold enough to step outside of your comfort zone.
Together: We respect each other and draw strength from our differences.
We do our best work when we do it together: In teams, across teams, and by working with others outside our organization. Working together is important because we know it’s collaboration that shapes opinions and drives creativity. We embrace people with diverse backgrounds, skills, perspectives and life experiences and ensure different voices are heard. We show care and consideration for others and strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels they belong.
For Better: We do what matters.
For Better means taking a long-term view, even in our day-to-day choices, because we want to build a stronger KPMG for the future. We never lose sight of the importance of our role in building trust in the capital markets and in business. We make sustainable, positive change in our local communities and in society at large, striving to make the world a better place.
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