Standing in good stead
Standing in good stead
This broad and high level review of Auditor-General’s Office (AGO) Reports dating back 25 years from 1989 provides interesting insights into trends ..
A collaboration between CPA Australia, KPMG and NUS, this study provides some interesting insights into trends raised in the annual Auditor-General’s Office (AGO) Reports dating back 25 years from 1990 to 2015. It analyses the key issues and sub-issues covered in the reports along with underlying root causes.
On the whole, the study shows that processes and systems were adequate in promoting good accountability in the use of public resources. The AGO Reports did not identify any major significant abuse of public funds and monies.
Nevertheless, more than 1,800 issues were identified over this 25-year period. Five areas were noted to have recurrently contained gaps and lapses over this research period: Procurement, IT systems, Grant administration, Payments and Revenue.
A closer analysis of the thematic issues suggests that the root causes of lapses or weaknesses boil down to People, Process and Systems.
This report shares some best practices for consideration to further enhance the checks and balances to reduce incidents of gaps and lapses in public sector entities. We hope you find it useful reading.
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