No longer a distant threat, climate change is an immediate and tangible reality that impacts societies, businesses, and each one of us as individuals.
In Singapore, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of our economy, comprising over 95% of all enterprises and employing over 70% of our workforce. While larger corporations have committed action towards Net Zero and other environmental, social, and governance goals, it is now time for SMEs to heed the call for action in order to secure their own longevity.
In collaboration with the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce and the Energy Institute, KPMG in Singapore is proud to invite you to an event designed to empower you to step forward and take prompt action to decarbonise.
Early registration is highly recommended to secure your spot. Please indicate your availability by clicking on the registration button above.
We look forward to welcoming and engaging with you at the event.
Thursday, 9 November 2023
9.30 am - 12.30 pm
(Registration start from 9.00 am)
KPMG Clubhouse
(12 Marina View,
Asia Square Tower 2, Level 15
Singapore 018961)