What is KPMG VAT Validator and how does it work?

A seller is required to hold documentation verifying that the customer’s VAT registration number is valid. This is one of the requirements for a seller to be able to issue an invoice without VAT to a customer within the EU.

VAT numbers can today be verified on the European Commission’s website, VIES, which allows to check one number at the time. Our solution connects directly to VIES, in order to be able to carry out that control more efficiently.

By uploading a formatted excel file, you can verify hundreds of VAT numbers in just one go to see if these are valid and which companies they belong to. You can easily download the search results and save it as a pdf to proof that you have carried out the necessary control. 

Benefits with VAT Validator

KPMG VAT Validator enables you to streamline your process for verifying the VAT numbers and ensures that you have the necessary documentation to meet the requirements from the Tax Authority. 

Saving the search results ensures that you have the correct documentation as evidence for your VAT exempt EU-sales in connection with the annual audit or perhaps when the Tax Authority knocks on the door.

For more information please contact us.