The survival of any organization as well as its advantage on the market depends on an adequate information system with optimized business processes and information flow.

It is essential to get sound business advice to ensure technology risks are managed. The right technology, implemented properly, appropriately managed and monitored, can lead to significant gains in growth and efficiency.

Managers responsible for IT and security are under increasing pressure - they constantly have to demonstrate the additional value that IT brings, to strengthen the security of the system and, in that way, increase the contribution to the company as a whole.

To optimize IT system and organization is a big challenge not only in terms of money spent, but also in lost efficiency and potential regulatory infringements

How we can help

KPMG IT Advisory experts help clients to align IT and business functions in order to jointly contribute to the strategic business goals.

We focus on the business impact of technology rather than systems implementation, and we are not tied to any hardware or software suppliers. As a result, our advice is independent and geared to the specific needs of each client. As a global organization ourselves, we are able to provide global support where necessary.

We understand the need to keep pace with technology and take advantage of the tremendous opportunities offered by technological innovation, but we are also aware of the risks involved and the responsibility at the Board level to control these risks.