Global Tax Technology Catalyst

Global Tax Technology Catalyst

Consistently described as an event like no other, KPMG Global Tax Technology Catalysts are dynamic forums where tax leaders experience the launch of some of the latest technologies built to help them transform their functions. Registration is open for the next Catalyst, happening 2 May 2017 in Sydney Australia. Check out the highlights video below to see what makes Catalyst special.


Bringing the latest tax technology launches from across KPMG’s network of member firms to one stage at the KPMG Global Tax Technology Catalyst is the latest bold step in changing the way many think about tax and technology.

Catalyst challenges old ways of showcasing tax technologies, offering a fast-paced interactive session, dynamic presentations and individualized, hands-on engagement with technologies.

Far more than just software, the exclusive technologies revealed at Catalyst represent new ways of thinking and working, enabling tax and finance leaders to gain enhanced visibility into and control over end-to-end processes, revealing tax issues and opportunities now and in the future and helping to transform data into powerful business insights.

The next Global Tax Technology Catalyst event is happening in Sydney, Australia on 2 May 2017. If you are interested in registering for Catalyst Sydney, please email


Who attends Catalyst?

  • Chief Tax Officers and other tax leaders
  • Chief Compliance Officers and audit leaders
  • Chief Information Officers and other technology leaders


Learn more

Email to learn more about upcoming Global Tax Technology Catalysts.

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