We cooperate with clients in the area of bookkeeping, preparation of tax returns, fulfilment of reporting requirements for consolidation purposes and those imposed by Polish law, as well as payroll administration, both for short- and long-term projects.

What is the Bookkeeping department responsible for?

At Bookkeeping we deal with bookkeeping, preparation of financial statements, preparation of tax returns, personnel, and payroll administration, as well as we support our clients in fulfilling their reporting obligations to the Central Statistical Office, the National Bank of Poland, and other institutions. In addition, we prepare tax returns and financial statements based on the books kept by our clients themselves. 

Can you share something interesting about yourself and your career?

My professional work has always been mainly connected with accounting, but here is an interesting titbit. Before it started, during one of my holiday jobs in Ireland I managed to build... a wall of hand-carved stones 😊. Despite my success in the construction industry, after graduating from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Warsaw I tied my career to finance.

I gained my experience working with international clients, in accounting, audit and business valuation projects. Since 2012, I have been working at KPMG, dealing exclusively with accounting projects, and participated in the development of the Bookkeeping Services Department.

I cycle after work and also play basketball in amateur leagues.

What do you do on a daily basis and how does the team work together?

My main responsibilities include managing the work of accounting teams. I plan, supervise, and provide substantive support to ongoing projects. As we are still developing our Bookkeeping Services Department, I spend a lot of time on acquiring new clients.

In our department, we focus on teamwork. We share knowledge and exchange experiences. My team is a "team on the pitch", consisting of people who have specific tasks to perform, and who complement each other in their work. The manager is the coach of the team, ensuring that the game runs smoothly. He is responsible for the development of the whole team and its individual members.

What was the project you are most proud of?

If I had to pick the most interesting project, it definitely involves dealing with companies in the construction industry. Accounting for long-term construction projects is certainly something I like most in accounting. So far, I have had the opportunity to "participate" from the accounting side in the construction of numerous power plants and wind farms. 

Why is development and a targeted career path important? What does your career path look like?

Improving individual and team skills in a targeted manner allows you to focus on developing the most relevant competencies. Striving to be an expert in one's own field is crucial in order to deliver services of the highest quality.

I started my career after graduation as an Accounting Assistant in an accounting office. After gaining experience in accounting and managing a small team, I decided to try my hand at a company with an international reputation. This is how I ended up in KPMG, where as a Supervisor I supervised the work of a team of accountants. I am constantly developing my competences, currently in the position of Senior Manager.

What education do you need to be good at what you do? What training, qualifications are most useful in your profession?

A degree in Accounting is important, but not essential. What counts are skills, willingness to learn and openness. Young people with no experience or accounting background can start a career at KPMG. Our department offers them an extensive development path, during which they can improve their competencies thanks to working for international clients and taking part in a wide range of internal and external training courses. 

What do you like most about your job? What is the atmosphere like in your department?

At departmental level, we coordinate activities by organising regular working meetings, while within teams we focus on supporting each other in our daily duties. We promote the search for new solutions and going off the beaten track. We use new tools to improve work and we also focus on building friendly relationships within the team, e.g., through team-building meetings which we organise after the end of the "season" connected with the closing of the year and preparation of financial statements.

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