A series of podcasts aimed at giving you more insight into different CSRD-related issues, where our KPMG ESG Experts will be sharing some concrete steps you could take to start solving the issues, using real-life examples they come across in their work.

New episode released every month.

Episode 4 - CSRD Data & Technology

Paul Pieroen, Miele Janse van Vuuren and Riccardo Altenburg cover the topic of 'CSRD Data & Technology'.

In this episode of the ESG Experts Podcast, KPMG experts from the Sustainability Reporting & Assurance team talk about the role of 'data and technology in CSRD reporting'. Discussing key challenges for the first reporting deadline, the organization of data in the value chain and how to set up a solid data and technology foundation. We also look at these challenges from an assurance lens and share practical tips to help you get started.

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Episode 3 - EU Taxonomy

Vera Moll, Gijs de Graaff and Tristan Helsloot cover the topic 'EU Taxonomy'. 

In this episode of the ESG Experts Podcast, KPMG experts from the Sustainability Reporting & Assurance team talk about how the EU taxonomy connects to the CSRD, address issues around eligibility and alignment, and providing tips on how to navigate through all the documents, regulations and moving targets coming your way. They also highlight what this all means from an assurance perspective and what you need to consider as an organization.

Episode 2 - Greenhouse gas (GHG) & Decarbonization

Michiel Evers, Heerali Singh and Tristan Helsloot cover the topic 'Greenhouse gas (GHG) & Decarbonization'. 

This episode of the KPMG ESG Experts Podcast, experts from the ESG Sustainability Reporting & Assurance team and our regular host Pieter van Dijk discuss 'Greenhouse gas (GHG) & Decarbonization'. They discuss challenges around locked-in emissions, data quality and data-driven strategy in relation to the CSRD reporting process. Our experts share client stories and discuss possible solutions. They also highlight what this all means from an assurance perspective and share concrete steps your organization can take.

Episode 1 - Double Materiality Assessment & Value Chain

Audrey Bozec, Midge Prudon and Anton Zhigalov cover the topic of 'DMA & the value chain'

This episode of the KPMG ESG Experts Podcast, experts from the Sustainability Reporting & Assurance team and our regular host Pieter van Dijk discuss the importance of the Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) and the value chain for organizations and how they relate to the various steps of the CSRD reporting process. Our experts share challenges they have seen with clients and discuss possible solutions. They also highlight what this all means from an assurance perspective and what you need to consider as an organization. 
