Frequently asked questions about Data & Tech in relation to the CSRD

Organizations are increasingly grappling with the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) regulations and standards, which aim to enhance transparency in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. This aligns with the EU's ambition to combat climate change and address the most pressing social issues. The directive seeks to modernize and amplify corporate sustainability reporting, prompting more companies to concentrate on refining their ESG disclosures.

Not providing reliable data for companies to steer their sustainability performance and business agenda's, can potentially lead to reputational damage to firms and their leaders, as well as legal repercussions from inaccurate reporting or allegations of greenwashing. Chief Information Officers, data stewards, and sustainability teams must proactively address the 'sustainability data challenge.' Initiating this endeavor necessitates precise measures to forge a reliable and transparent approach to sustainability reporting. Selecting the appropriate technology and data solutions is essential for meeting the demands of both external and internal ESG reporting. The chosen technology should streamline the integration of diverse ESG data sources and enhance the accuracy and lucidity of the reports.

Our expertise offers a strategic, solution-focused method to ensure your sustainability data meets regulatory requirements and fulfills stakeholder expectations. Our goal is to guide you toward comprehensive, credible, and integrated ESG data and technology foundation. This will pave the way for solid and good quality sustainability reporting and enable companies to steer on ESG performance impact supporting us to build a responsible and sustainable future.

The implementation of CSRD is far from simple. It requires the collaboration of various stakeholders, including the finance team, risk, data specialists, IT professionals, and sustainability experts. As there is no progress without reliable data, the focus of many companies is on how to get this right. This publication aims to provide an overview and also to simplify key data and technology considerations so all stakeholders can understand, fostering alignment and clear priority-setting.

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